
Analyze Scientific and Technical Arguments, Evidence, and Text-Based Information

• Understand and explain textual scientific presentations at a satisfactory level
• Express scientific information or findings verbally at a satisfactory level
• Determine the meaning of symbols, terms, and phrases as they are used in scientific presentations at a satisfactory level
• Reconcile multiple findings, conclusions, or theories at a satisfactory level

Applying Scientific Processes and Procedural Concepts

• Make a prediction based on data or evidence at a satisfactory level
• Identify possible sources of error and alter the design of an investigation to ameliorate that error at a satisfactory level
• Identify and interpret independent and dependent variables in scientific investigations at a satisfactory level
• Understand and apply scientific models, theories, and processes at a satisfactory level
• Design a scientific investigation at a satisfactory level
• Evaluate whether a conclusion or theory is supported or challenged by particular data or evidence at a satisfactory level

Reasoning Quantitatively and Interpreting Data in Scientific Contexts

• Apply formulas from scientific theories at a satisfactory level
• Determine the probability of events at a satisfactory level
• Use counting and permutations to solve scientific problems at a satisfactory level