There are a series of frequently confused words called homonyms. A homonym is a pair of words that sound the same (or close to the same) but are spelled differently and have a different meaning. Understanding the difference is critical when reading and writing. Below contains a large list of important homonyms.

Homonyms Continued:
- Ate: Past tense of eat
- Eight: The number 8
- Be: to exist
- Bee: an insect
- Beat: To strike or hit
- Beet: a red root vegetable
- Board: Piece of wood
- Bored: Uninterested
- Brake: To stop
- Break: To damage or destroy; also a period of rest
- Buy: To purchase
- By: Near or close; also an attribution
- Capital: City that is the seat of government; also money; also very important
- Capitol: Building where legislature meet
- Cell: Small room in a prison
- Sell: To offer for sale
- Cent: A coin
- Scent: To smell
- Sent: To cause to go (or be transmitted)
- Close: To shut; also to finish
- Clothes: Something wearable
- Complement: To pair with
- Compliment: Flattering words
- Coarse: Rough or harsh
- Course: A path; also a part of a meal
- Dear: Much loved
- Deer: An animal
- Desert: Dry, barren, sandy region
- Dessert: Sweet treat
- Flour: Ground grain for bread
- Flower: Blossom on a plant
- Feat: An accomplishment
- Feet: Plural of foot
- For: To be used as or belonging to
- Four: The number 4
- Grate: To shred
- Great: Very good
- Hole: opening
- Whole: Entire
- Hour: 60 minutes
- Our: Belonging to us
- Knew: To be certain of
- New: Modern or recent
- Lessen: To decrease
- Lesson: Something taught
- Loose: Not tight
- Lose: To fail to keep
- Made: Created
- Maid: Person who cleans
- Mail: Letters sent or delivered
- Male: Opposite of female
- Main: Most important
- Mane: Horse or lions hair
- Meat: Animal flesh
- Meet: To get together
- One: The number 1
- Won: Past tense of win
- Pail: Bucket
- Pale: Light in color
- Pain: Soreness or discomfort
- Pane: Glass in a window
- Passed: Went by
- Past: Time before; opposite of future
- Patience: Ability to wait
- Patients: Plural of patient
- Peace: Harmony; also calmness
- Piece: A part of something
- Plain: Ordinary
- Plane: An airplane
- Pole: Long piece of wood or metal
- Poll: Listing of people
- Quiet: Silent
- Quite: Really
- Right: Correct
- Write: To inscribe words
- Road: A path
- Rode: Past tense of ride
- Role: A part played
- Roll: To turn over
- Scene: A view; also a part of a movie
- Seen: Past participle of see
- See: To look at
- Sea: The ocean
- Sight: Ability to see
- Site: A place or location
- Some: A few
- Sum: The total amount
- Stake: A stick to drive into the ground
- Steak: Slice of beef or fish
- Steal: To take dishonestly
- Steel: Hard, tough metal
- Than: Compares two things
- Then: Next
- Threw: Past tense of throw
- Through: In one side and out the other
- To: In the direction of
- Too: In addition
- Two: The number 2
- Wait: To stay until something happens
- Weight: How heavy something is
- Weak: Opposite of strong
- Week: Seven days
- Weather: Climate
- Whether: In either case
- Wood: Tree lumber
- Would: Past tense of will
While this list isn’t comprehensive, it will help greatly on the GED exam. If you have any further questions or would like sentence examples, feel free to contact us: [email protected]