Day 7: Final Celebration

With today being the last day of week one of the Kindness Festival, we wanted to say thank you. We’re incredibly thankful for the continued support we receive from the communities we serve. While the way we’ve provide service has changed, the warm reception and encouragement we’ve experienced has not.
Though this is the end of week one, the ROCK Juneau and other local businesses have prepared weeks of exciting (and kind) content to follow. We’re excited to continue our participation in spreading kindness in Juneau. Thanks again to the ROCK Juneau and this great community for this remarkable opportunity.
-When we all act together, every kindness is multiplied.
What is the Kindness Festival?
This year marks ROCK Juneau’s 3rd Annual Community Kindness Festival. Beginning today and running until January 9th, the entire Juneau community is encouraged to perform an act of kindness relating to a specific theme. Each week, the theme changes. Contributors are asked to post one (or more) photo, a few words, or a short video of you (and others) showing the act of kindness on either Facebook or Instagram. Then, tagging the post #JNUkindnessfest2020 will allow Juneau residents to enjoy our collective efforts. The overall goal is to build a kinder Juneau!
When we all act together, every kindness is multiplied.
ROCK Juneau
Week 1: Kindness to Myself

The Learning Connection is happy to announce our participation with ROCK Juneau’s incredible festival.
The theme of week one is: Kindness to myself!
Each day of week one we’ll be posting informative ways to be kind to yourself. Today’s way to be kind to yourself is through nutrition!
Day 1: Nutrition

Being kind to yourself nutritionally can be difficult, especially when living in one of the most expensive states for groceries. That’s why we’re hosting a family nutrition class from Monday, December 7th to Friday, December 11th. This free course, made possible through the UAF Cooperative Extension, will teach you about My Plate, how to cook and eat healthy on a budget, and more. By attending at least 4 out of 5 classes, you’ll be entered to win a $50 Fred Meyer gift card.
Sound interesting? Register through contacting Genevieve at [email protected] or messaging any of our social media pages.
Day 2: Education

Being kind to yourself through continual education is incredibly important. Our purpose at The Learning Connection is to help build better lives through it. Education can help build a better life through providing the confidence and competency to handle any situation that comes your way. It also leads to increased employment opportunities and various other psychological benefits.
If you’re looking to gain your GED, prepare yourself for college, or just want a refresher on the core academic subjects, we’re here to help. We offer tutoring and online modules to help you build a more stable life. Today, help yourself through education.
Day 3: Literacy

A continual focus on literacy has the power to substantially improve your wellbeing. Literacy contributes to your overall economic, social, and health welfare.
“The spread of literacy has emerged as a major factor in economic and social development. In fact, the linkages between education, health and nutrition are mutual and complementary. The strong linkages between education, health, nutrition and reduced fertility result in synergies, which can transform vicious cycles of poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and disease into virtuous cycles of learning and health, equity and sustainable development.”
Kowsar P. Chowdhury, Literacy and Primary Education at World Bank
Whether it’s through reading a book or writing in a journal, finding ways to maintain literacy is important no matter your age. Today, be kind to yourself through making continual literacy a priority.
Day 4: Stress Management

There is a variety of effective ways to combat and manage stress. Day four of the Kindness Festival is dedicated to stress management. Thus, we’ve outlined three easy methods to help accomplish that.

Getting a healthy amount of sleep is vital for health and stress management. Proper sleep plays a big role in keeping your mind sharp, your blood sugar regulated, and your blood pressure down. It also helps with controlling weight, warding off illnesses, and negating symptoms of depression. Exercise can help boost the production of feel-good transmitters in the brain, often described as “runners high” in athletic circles. It can also reduce stress through simulating it. Ultimately, this enhances your bodies ability to handle stress overall. Finally, listening to music that you enjoy has been shown to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones.
These methods are effective but not comprehensive. Perhaps stress relief for you is simply talking with your friends, petting your dog, or cooking healthy foods. Whichever way you manage stress, let it be a priority today.
Day 5: Language

Language is the primary tool for expression and communication. The stronger our grasp of a language, the better we are able to convey our thoughts and feelings.
If English isn’t your primary language, we can certainly help. We offer English language tutoring to students of any skill level. If you’re already proficient at speaking and pronunciation but need help with writing and grammar, we’re here for you. When talking to someone who doesn’t speak the language you’re proficient in, consider using translator apps. This allows you to understand their message and shows that you care.
Whether it’s learning a totally new language or just developing your language comprehension, take time for your personal growth today.
Day 6: Community

While maintaining a sense of community can be especially difficult during COVID-19, it becomes possible when we realize we’re all in this together. Reaching out to family and friends remotely is a proactive way to maintain ties. Volunteering can make a massive difference in the lives of those outside of your close circle. Additionally, it can benefit the servicepersons live. Volunteering can decrease your risk for depression, provide a sense of purpose, reduce stress levels, and ultimately help you live longer.
A safe option of volunteering could be through remote tutoring at The Learning Connection! If you have a background in education or tutoring, we’d love to have your help in GED, college prep, and English language tutoring.
Today, be kind to yourself through keeping your connections a priority.
Kindness Festival Calendar
We really hope you’ll join us in building a kinder Juneau. This is only the beginning of this exciting 7 week festival. The calendar of themes follows:
Week 1: November 22-28 Kindness to Myself, #JNUkindnessfest2020self
Week 2: November 29-December 5 Kindness to Family or Families, #JNUkindnessfest2020family
Week 3: December 6-12 Kindness to Animals, #JNUkindnessfest2020animals
Week 4: December 13-19 Kindness to Neighbors, #JNUkindnessfest2020neighbors
Week 5: December 20-26 Kindness to Strangers, #JNUkindnessfest2020strangers
Week 6: December 27-January 2 Kindness to the Land & the Earth, #JNUkindnessfest2020landandearth
and to finish the festival — Week 7: January 3-9 Kindness to Children & Elders, #JNUkindnessfest2020childrenandelders